Impacts, risks, adaptations

Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report The IPCC finalized the Synthesis Report for the Sixth Assessment Report during the Panel’s 58th Session held in Interlaken, Switzerland from 13-19 March 2023. This structure, substantially different to what was adopted for AR5 SYR, enables a holistic framing that integrates across the Working Groups, better enabling the SYR to cover different aspects of climate change. Read the Full Report here.

Economy & carbon markets

IMF-OECD-WB-WTO launch the Joint Subsidy Platform

Following discussions and commitments at G7, G20, UN-FCCC and UN-CBD, the heads of the IMF, OECD, World Bank and WTO have announced on 25 May 2023 the launch of a Joint Subsidy Platform (JSP) at to enhance transparency on the use of subsidies. The JSP is intended to facilitate access to information on the nature, size, and economic impact of subsidies, with a view to facilitating dialogue on their appropriate use and design. The initiative should help research, analysis and policies on EHS (Environmentally Harmful Subsidies), including FFS (Fossil Fuel Subsidies) and BHS (Biodiversity Harmful Subsidies). More information here.

Impacts, risks, adaptations

EAERE POC event: Environment, Resources, and Cooperation in the Mediterranean | 13 Sep 2024

The EAERE POC event “Environment, Resources, and Cooperation in the Mediterranean“, co-organised by Vision – Crafting the Future and the University of Siena, will take place on September 13, 2024 at 15:30 CEST in Pontignano, Siena (Italy) and will be streamed. The event is framed within the Vision Pontignano Conference on the Future of Europe 2024. The panelists will discuss the main challenges to be addressed in the future for the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the Mediterranean area. The event will also be the opportunity to promote MEDAERE, Mediterranean Association for Cooperation on Environment and Resource Economics, that intends to complement and extend beyond the European borders the activities of EAERE.

Economy & carbon markets

White House mentions letter and papers authored by EAERE members in its document Final Guidance to Improve Regulatory Analysis

The Biden-Harris administration mentions letter and papers authored by EAERE members in its document “Final Guidance to Improve Regulatory Analysis“:

Impacts, risks, adaptations

EAERE POC Session on resilient economies and institutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change

The 14th edition of The State of the Union took place in Florence last 23 and 24 May 2024. This year, the conference had a special emphasis on the core themes of democracy and the rule of law, the digital and green transition, the future enlargements of the European Union, all of which will play a crucial role in the run-up to the European elections in June 2024.
A policy session on “Resilient economies and institutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change” was jointly organised by FSR Climate and the EAERE Policy Outreach Committee. The frequency of natural disasters due to climate change is increasing, and institutions across different geographic areas are not equally ready to cope with such events. In fact, the lack of adequate institutional responses is likely to exacerbate the consequences of these events. Making the EU and developing countries more able to cope with the devastating consequences of climate change requires an articulated policy mix around carbon price, and resilient and reactive institutions and processes. In the policy session, feasible manners to enhance resiliency to climate change were explored. The event also addressed how to better prepare agriculture, biodiversity, the health system and our economies in general to cope with climate change and how to protect the most vulnerable populations in developing countries and in Europe. More information here.

Emissions & mitigation

Delivering a Climate Neutral Europe: A new book from Jos Delbeke

Delivering a Climate Neutral Europe summarises the achievements of 25 years of EU Climate Policy, with a specific focus on the measures and impacts of the Green Deal and a list of the most pressing climate-related issues on the table for EU policy makers in the forthcoming policy cycle 2024-2029. The work is edited by Professor Jos Delbeke and it is available in Open Access.

Impacts, risks, adaptations

External review of the IPBES business and biodiversity assessment

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has announced the external review of the methodological assessment of the impact and dependence of business on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people. During this external review, the first draft of the chapters and the first draft of the summary for policymakers will be made available for review for a period of 8 weeks, from 24 July to 17 September 2024. To ensure the highest scientific quality and policy relevance of the assessment, the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel is seeking peer review from the widestpossible participation of experts from all relevant disciplines and backgrounds. Click here to know how to participate as an expert reviewer.


EAERE 2024 Policy Session on the contribution of environmental economists to the IPCC process

The policy session “The forthcoming 7th IPCC Assessment Report. What role is there for environmental economists?“, held during EAERE 2024 and chaired by Simone Borghesi, aimed at discussing modalities and strategies to stimulate more economic research to be embedded in the IPCC 7th Assessment Cycle and more in general in IPCC processes, including covering research innovation gaps. The session featured Philippe Tulkens (EU Commission – DG Research and Innovation) as well as the EAERE members Jos Delbeke, Phoebe Koundouri, Xavier Labandeira, Jan Minx and Massimo Tavoni. Read the session’s notes and watch the video recording on the EAERE YouTube channel.

Impacts, risks, adaptations

EAERE participation in the Fifty-fifth Session of the IPCC (IPCC-55) and Twelfth Session of Working Group II (WG II-12), Electronic Session, 14 – 25 February 2022

Between February 14 and February 25 2022, the IPCC held its Fifty-fifth Session (IPCC-55) and Twelfth Session of Working Group II (WG II-12) in a virtual format with the support of Germany. The main agenda items of WGII-12 were the approval of the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the Working Group II contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) and acceptance of the underlying scientific technical assessment. EAERE President Phoebe Koundouri and EAERE Vice-President Enrica De Cian participated in the Sessions as EAERE representatives.

You can read their note here.

Economy & carbon markets

IPCC opens registration for the Government and Expert review of the Draft of Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report

GENEVA, Jan 3 – The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has opened registration for the Government and Expert Review of the Draft of the Summary for Policymakers and longer report of the Sixth Assessment Synthesis Report.

As of today, interested experts can register for participation in the review here: The Government and Expert Review of the Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report will take place from 10 January to 20 March 2022, 23:59 (GMT+1).

Registration of experts closes on 13 March 2022, 23:59 (GMT+1), one week before the end of the review.

The Synthesis Report is the final product of the Sixth Assessment Report to be approved in September 2022. It synthesises and integrates  the findings of all three Working Group contributions to the Sixth Assessment Report and the special reports that have been produced in this cycle.

“The Synthesis Report will bring together all the findings and work of the IPCC during the entire Sixth Assessment Cycle. This is why the review and scrutiny by both governments and experts is such a crucial and critical part of the process. The review will further firm up policy relevance, the scientific integrity and robustness of this closing chapter of the Sixth Assessment Cycle,” said Hoesung Lee, the Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

In August 2021, the IPCC released the approved Working Group I report which assessed the state of physical science, showing that climate change is widespread, rapid and intensifying. The second and third instalments from Working Group II and III are scheduled to be released at the end of February and early April respectively in 2022.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought its challenges with the Synthesis Report Core Writing Team having to work entirely virtually to produce this draft.

“We have a dedicated and hardworking Core Writing Team that has developed a solid and strong  Draft of the Synthesis Report that experts and governments can comment on. After the review, the Core Writing Team will continue to work hard and address the comments received, despite the challenging circumstances of the pandemic, to prepare  the  revised Draft ready for the Final Government Distribution,” said Hoesung Lee.

More than 50 scientists and experts worldwide have dedicated their time and contributed their knowledge and expertise to the  Draft of the Synthesis Report..

For experts to register for the review, a self-declaration of expertise is required. Once the registration is complete, and before accessing the draft, reviewers agree to the terms of the review, including the confidentiality of the draft and review materials, which are provided solely for the purpose of the review. The drafts may not be cited, quoted or distributed.

The government and expert review is a formal component of the Synthesis Report development process. The drafts submitted for review, the review comments, and the subsequent responses by the authors will become publicly available once the report is published. In line with IPCC practice, review comments are not anonymous.

Source: IPCC Website