EAERE Schools


Since 2000 EAERE has been successfully running their European Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics. In response to the high demand by scholars and junior researchers the EAERE council decided to extend the offer and to establish a European Winter School in collaboration with ETH Zurich from 2018 on. The broader objective of both school series is to provide advanced training for young researchers from all over Europe and beyond on European issues of environmental and resource economics.

27 January 2025
31 January 2025

EAERE Interdisciplinary School in Resource and Environmental Economics 2025 on Sustainable Energy and Chemistry

Location: Antwerp, Belgium and Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Organizer: EAERE, University of Antwerp and VU Amsterdam

  EAERE Interdisciplinary School in Resource and Environmental Economics 2025 on Sustainable Energy and Chemistry Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat. The EU has the ambition to become the first climate neutral continent, by reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 55% (compared to 1990 levels) by 2030 and to have net-zero emissions…

19 January 2025
24 January 2025

EAERE Winter School in Resource and Environmental Economics 2025 on Biodiversity Economy

Location: Annecy-le-Vieux, France
Organizer: EAERE and University Savoie Mont Blanc

EAERE Winter School in Resource and Environmental Economics on Biodiversity Economy According to the Dasgupta Review on the Economics of Biodiversity (Dasgupta, 2021) the economy is ’embedded’ in nature, meaning economic activity is subject to the constraints of the biosphere and sustainable economic development dependent on the biodiversity and nature. In a series of 5…


22 – 28 June 2024, Castel Seggau, Graz, Austria

EAERE Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics  – Data science in environmental economics research

Scientific Coordinator: Paul A. Raschky, Monash University

Local organizer: Stefan Borsky, Uni Graz


2 – 8 July 2023, Castel Seggau, Graz, Austria

EAERE-ETH Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics  – Transnational and Cascading Climate Risks and Adaptation

Scientific Coordinator: Francesco Bosello, CMCC

Local organizer: Birgit Bednar-Friedl, Uni Graz


29 January – 3 February 2023, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland

EAERE-ETH Winter School on “Climate Policies, Innovation, and International Competitiveness”

School Coordinator: Aude Pommeret (Université Savoie Mont Blanc)


22 – 27 January 2023, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland

EAERE-ETH Winter School on “Natural Resources and Development in Resource-Rich Countries”

School Coordinator: Christa Brunnschweiler (University of East Anglia)


3 – 9 July 2022, Castle Seggau, close to the city of Graz (Austria)

EAERE Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics

Scientific Coordinator: Daan van Soest (Tilburg University)


26 Sept. – 2 Oct. 2021, Castle Seggau, close to the city of Graz (Austria)

EAERE Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics

Scientific Coordinator: Herman Vollebergh, Tilburg University



26 Jan – 31 Jan 2020, Ascona, Switzerland

EAERE-ETH European Winter School on “Spatial Environmental and Resource Economics”

School coordinator: Anastasios Xepapadeas, Athens University of Economics and Business and University of Bologna


30 June 2019 – 6 July 2019, Venice, Italy

EAERE-FEEM Summer School on “Econometric Approaches for Environmental Policy Evaluation”
School coordinator: Wolfram Schlenker – School Coordinator, Columbia University, USA

Website | Video pills on Youtube 

27 Jan – 01 Feb 2019, Ascona, Switzerland

EAERE-ETH European Winter School: “The economics of energy transition”
School coordinator: Stefan Ambec, Toulouse School of Economics, France

28 Jan – 02 Feb 2018 Ascona Switzerland

EAERE-ETH European Winter School: “Uncertainty and Dynamics in Environmental Economic Modeling”
School Coordinator: Karen Pittel, University of Munich

30 June – 6 July 2018 Venice, Italy

Climate Change Assessment: Economic Models and Evaluation Criteria
School Coordinators: Geir ASHEIM, University of Oslo and Paolo PIACQUADIO, University of Oslo

2 – 8 July 2017 Venice, Italy

Macroeconomics, Growth, and the Environment
School Coordinator: Sjak SMULDERS, Tilburg University

26 June – 2 July 2016 Venice, Italy

Field Experiments in Environmental and Resource Economics
School Coordinator: John LIST, University of Chicago and Massimo TAVONI, Politecnico di Milano and FEEM

28 June – 4 July 2015 Venice, Italy

Environmental Regulation
School Coordinator: Anthony HEYES, University of Ottawa


6 – 12 July 2014 Venice, Italy

The Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change
School Coordinators: Emanuele MASSETTI, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei – FEEM and Robert MENDELSOHN, Yale University


30 June – 6 July 2013 Venice, Italy

Uncertainty, Innovation and Climate Change
School Coordinators: Prof. Erin Baker, Associate Professor, Director, Wind Energy IGERT, University of Massachusetts Amherst and Prof. Valentina Bosetti, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei – FEEM

1 – 7 July 1-7 2012 Venice, Italy

Management of International Water
School Coordinator: Prof. Ariel Dinar, University of California, Riverside, USA

2 – 8 Sep 2012 Belpasso Italy

Belpasso International Summer School on Environmental and Resource Economics ” Sustainable Development: Theory and Measurement Methods”
Organization: (Coordinators: Giovanni Signorello, Fabio Eboli)

4 – 10 Sep 2011 Belpasso Italy

Belpasso International Summer School “Extremes: Natural Disasters in Changing Climate”
Organization: (Coordinators: Giovanni Signorello, Jaroslav Mysiak)

3 – 9 July 2011 Venice, Italy

Developments in Resource Economics
School Coordinator: Prof. Reyer Gerlagh, Tilburg University, The Netherlands and Prof. Matti Liski, Aalto University School of Economics, Finland


4 – 10 July 2010 Venice, Italy

Climate Change Negotiations
School Coordinator: Prof. Santiago Rubio, University of Valencia, Spain

12 – 18 Sep 2010 Belpasso Italy

Belpasso International Summer School “The Economics of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity Conservation”
Organization: (Coordinators: Paulo A.L.D. Nunes, Giovanni Signorello)

5 – 11 July 2009 Venice, Italy

Economics, Transport and Environment [under ESS RESECON project]
School Coordinator: Prof. Stef Proost, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

6 – 12 July 2008 Venice, Italy

Space in Unified Models of Economy and Ecology [under ESS RESECON project]
School Coordinator: Prof. Anastasios Xepapadeas, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

4 – 10 July 2007 Venice, Italy

Trade, Property Rights and Biodiversity [under ESS RESECON project]
School Coordinator: Prof. Cees Withagen, Tilburg University and Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands

25 June – 1 July 2006 Venice, Italy

Computable General Equilibrium Modeling in Environmental and Resource Economics [under ESS RESECON project]
School Coordinator: Prof. Christoph Böhringer, University of Heidelberg and ZEW Mannheim, Germany

3 – 9 July 2005 Venice, Italy

Welfare Measurement and Cost Benefit Analysis in Dynamic General Equilibrium
School Coordinator: Prof. Karl Gustaf Löfgren, University of Umea, Sweden

1 – 7 July 2004 Venice, Italy

Dynamic Models in Economics and the Environment
School Coordinator: Prof. Aart De Zeeuw, Tilburg University, The Netherlands and The Beijer Institute, Sweden.

1 – 6 September 2003 Venice, Italy

Political Economy of the Environment
School Coordinator: Prof. Anthony Heyes, Royal Holloway – University of London – Department of Economics Egham Surrey, UK

2 – 14 September 2002 Lavagna, Italy

Game Theory and the Environment
School Coordinator: Prof. Carlo Carraro, University of Venice and FEEM, Italy
Co-organiser: Fioravante Patrone, Interuniversity Centre for Game Theory and its Applications

2- 7 July 2001 Venice, Italy

Resource and Environmental Economics
School Coordinator: Prof. Bengt Kriström, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – Department of Forest Economics, Sweden

4 – 8 July 2000 Venice, Italy

International Dimension of Environmental Economics
School Coordinator: Prof. Carlo Carraro, University of Venice and FEEM, Italy