Policy Outreach Events

COP28 Joint Side Event on “Innovative Instruments for Joint Biodiversity and Climate Policy”


EAERE, Bocconi University and United Cities and Local Governments are glad to announce their COP28 Joint Side Event on “Innovative Instruments for Joint Biodiversity and Climate Policy“.

The Side Event will be held on Sunday, 10 December 2023,  18:30-20:00  (GMT+4)  |  15:30-17:00 CET Time) – SE Room 4.


Climate change and biodiversity agreements are strictly interconnected. Innovative economic and financial instruments can enhance biodiversity, increase resilience and reduce CO2 emissions. The event aims to assess the potential of joint climate and biodiversity policies at different territorial scales.


Simone BORGHESI, EAERE President-Elect, Director FSR Climate, EUI and University of Siena

Edoardo CROCI, Professor of Practice and Director of Sustainable Urban Regeneration Lab, Bocconi University

Sylvie GOULARD, President of the Institute for European policy-making, Bocconi University, and Co-chair of the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits

Andreas KONTOLEON, Professor of Environmental Economics and Public Policy, University of Cambridge

Alina KOSCHMIEDER, Climate change and environmental consultant UN-Habitat

Phoebe KOUNDOURI, President – European Association of Environmental Resource Economists, Chair – World Council of Environmental Resource Economists Associations, Chair – UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Global Climate Hub, Professor – Athens University of Economics and Business, Professor – Technical University of Denmark

Eva MAYERHOFERHead of Environmental Policy and Lead Biodiversity Specialist, European Investment Bank

Massamba THIOYE, Project Executive UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub


Jos DELBEKE, EIB Climate Chair, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute

Benedetta LUCCHITTA, Research fellow Sustainable Urban Regeneration Lab, Bocconi University

Register to watch online or to confirm your presence at the venue, using the Registration Form.

For those attending on-site, please kindly note that the side event will be located in the Blue Zone where a specific UNFCCC accreditation is needed.

Policy Outreach Events

14th CEPR/EAERE Webinar on Climate Policy: “Cost Containment and Market Stability in Global Carbon Markets”

As carbon markets around the world evolve and mature, jurisdictions are increasingly experimenting with market stability measures such as cost containment reserves to manage carbon price volatility and help ensure that market prices are aligned with climate policy goals. This webinar brings together experts from the United States and Europe to discuss how these design features work, what policy objectives they are designed to address, and real-world.

Join us on 15 November 2023, from 4 PM (CET), 10 AM (EST), and 3 PM (GMT) for a roundtable discussion with:

Dallas Burtraw
Darius Gaskins Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future
Price Responsive Allowance Supply, Policy Sequencing, and the Pathway to Net Zero

Christian Traeger
Professor of Economics, University of Oslo, Research Director, ifo Institute & Associate Fellow, CEPR Climate Change RPN
Carbon Tax vs Trade Towards “Carbon Tax and Trade”

Christian Flachsland
Professor of Climate Policy, Hertie School
Managing allowance price risk in the new EU emissions trading architecture

The presentation will be followed by a discussion and Q&A session with the audience moderated by

Meredith Fowlie 
Professor, University Of California Berkeley, Research Associate, NBER & Associate Fellow, CEPR Climate Change RPN

Register here

Supported Events

Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics (SURED)

The SURED conference will focus on issues of high societal relevance at the research frontier related to economic growth, resource use and innovation in the era of climate change. We particularly invite academic work that contributes to an understanding of emerging issues (e.g., the effect of global shocks on the energy transition, the carbon border adjustment mechanism, or the costs and benefits of accelerating towards net-zero), but all submissions related to environmental economics and dynamics are welcome.

For more information visit the conference website.

Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2024

The organizing committee:

Beat Hintermann, Joëlle Noailly, Corrado Di Maria, Christa Brunnschweiler & Sjak Smulders

Supported Events

FSR Climate Annual Conference 2023

The Climate Area of the Florence School of Regulation is pleased to announce its 9th Annual Conference on the Economic Assessment of European Climate Policies to take place at the European University Institute in Florence on 27-28 November 2023.

The conference will cover some of the main climate policies at EU, national and subnational levels and will include a keynote speech as well as parallel sessions and plenary speeches focusing on the topics of emissions trading, environmental taxation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy.

The Conference will be chaired by Simone Borghesi, Director of the FSR Climate, Deputy Rector for International Relationships at the University of Siena and EAERE President-Elect.

Papers submission deadline: 30 September 2023


ChairSimone BORGHESI (Florence School of Regulation – Climate/EUI & University of Siena)

Co-Chair: Jos DELBEKE (School of Transnational Governance/EUI & KU Leuven)


Organised by the Florence School of Regulation – Climate (European University Institute) with the support of EAERE.

More information on the Conference website

Supported Events

Shared Perspectives 2023: How to make the green transition happen?

Shared Perspectives 2023 is a policy workshop that seeks to develop answers to this question. Join our line-up of leading researchers and policy thinkers to:

  • Consider the interaction of different economic and political aspects of climate policy;
  • Understand the political constraints which need to be taken into account when formulating feasible climate policies;
  • Discuss policy instruments that could help unlock the path to the green transition.

The detailed programme will be released on September 1st.
