Supported Events

Joint Workshop on Circular Economy Economic Modelling

The EAYE and the EU & ANR projects: IAM-Circ, Circomod, CircEUlar and ScarCyclET are pleased to announce a joint workshop on Circular Economy Economic Modelling, scheduled to take place on the 1st of July 2024 in Leuven. This workshop will precede the Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) and aims to provide a platform for researchers, especially young non-tenured economists, interested in advancing our understanding of the economic aspects of circular economies. The event is organized with the support of EAERE.

Key Features:

Key Speaker: Aude Pommeret, USMB

Registration: Free but registration needed through this link

Attendance Limit: 40 participants

Workshop Agenda:

The workshop will feature a keynote address by Aude Pommeret, followed by paper presentations. Researchers are invited to submit empirical and theoretical papers covering a broad spectrum of topics related to circular economy economic modelling. Abstracts or draft papers will also be considered.

Submission Details:

Economists, and especially young non-tenured researchers, are encourage to submit their papers or abstracts by March 15th, 10 pm CET, to Please provide a pdf with your paper and author(s) details including current position (Master, PhD, Post-doc, Assis. Prof. etc.) in the email with as object title: “Submission Joint Workshop on Circular Economy Economic Modelling”.

The scientific committee will review submissions, and results about the selected papers for presentation at the workshop, will be communicated to authors by the 10th of April.

Registrations can be done through this link. Questions or inquiries can be directed to the workshop coordinator, Julie Metta, at

Scientific Committee:

  1. Bernard, Polytechnique Montréal & RRECQ
  2. Fizaine, University Savoie-Mont-Blanc
  3. Joltreau, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change
  4. Lorang, Tilburg University
  5. Metta, Tilburg University

This joint workshop presents a unique opportunity for economic researchers to engage with cutting-edge research, exchange ideas, discuss limits and challenges, and contribute to the advancement of circular economy economic modelling. We look forward to your participation in this workshop.

For submission and more information, please visit this link.

The event is organized with the support of EAERE, EAYE, IAM-Circ, Circomod, CircEUlar & ScarCyclET.

[1] IAM-Circ has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101106168

[2] Circomod is funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101056868

[3] This project has received funding from the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme – grant agreement No 101056810.

Supported Events

10th Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics (AWEEE)

The 10th Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics (AWEEE) will be held in the island of A Toxa, Galicia, Spain on June 20 and 21, 2024. The AWEEE will combine keynote lectures on specific topics by prestigious academics with the presentation of research by invited speakers and by other participants through an open call for papers. The workshop will celebrate its 20th anniversary with the participation of key policymakers and discussions on the future of Energy and Climate Economics in a final hybrid session with the participation of keynotes and invites of previous editions. The AWEEE will be hosted by Economics for Energy with the collaboration of CEPE (ETH Zurich) and CURE (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) and the support of ECOBAS and REDE (Universidad de Vigo).

More information here

Supported Events

6th Nordic Annual Environmental and Resource Economics (NAERE) Workshop

The 6th Nordic Annual Environmental and Resource Economics (NAERE) Workshop will take place at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen, Norway, on June 26-27, 2024.

The workshop provides a platform for researchers and PhD students to present their work, receive feedback, and foster networking and collaboration. Workshop activities will include parallel sessions with paper presentations, plenary sessions featuring invited keynote speakers, and informal gatherings over lunch and coffee. A dinner for all workshop participants is scheduled on the first day at a venue offering one of Bergen’s most amazing views.

The 6th edition of the NAERE workshop will be hosted by the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) and the Centre for Applied Research (Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning, SNF).

Invited speakers:

Karine Nyborg (University of Oslo)

Bård Harstad (Stanford GSB)


Researchers and PhD students are invited to submit theoretical and applied papers in energy, environmental, and resource economics.  We encourage submission of extended abstracts (2-3 pages), but full-length papers will also be considered. While submissions from researchers based outside the Nordic countries are welcome, preference will be given to presenters from the Nordics.

The submission deadline is April 30, 2024.

Other important dates:

  • Notification of acceptance: May 13, 2024
  • Registration and payment: May 13-30, 2024

For more information about the workshop and the submission process, please visit the workshop website:

More information can be found on the NAERE website

Supported Events

SEEDS Annual Conference 2024

The interuniversity research centre on Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies (SEEDS) opens invitations to the next annual workshop taking place on 15-17 May, 2024 at the Casa della Cultura e della Memoria located in Marzabotto (Bologna), Italy. 

15 May is reserved for PhD DAYS: 
The afternoon of the 15th is reserved for PhD presentations at the SEEDS PhD Day included in this annual conference and can provide feedback opportunities. Senior researchers are highly invited to attend the 15th to provide useful feedback to the younger community, but their presentations will occur on the 16 and 17 May.
Participants were invited to present and share their inter and multi-disciplinary research papers (even at preliminary stages) within and beyond social sciences. 

Please be aware that paper presentations are permitted only for those attending in person.

Data collected will be only used for the aims of the workshop. If you have questions please email

Call for papers available here


2nd AFAERE Biannual Conference



The Second Biannual Conference of the African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE) will be held from 09-13 September 2024. The plenary and special sessions of the conference will be in a hybrid form. The conference venue for the on-site meeting will be in Nairobi, and the exact location will be announced later.

Conference Theme

This is an open call for paper submissions on all relevant topics related to environmental economics and natural resources management.

Submission Guideline and Rules

You are invited to submit theoretical, empirical, and/or policy papers on the socioeconomic and environmental implications and policy trade-offs of natural resources management/ environmental regulations in Africa. Papers could address any or a combination of the following topics:

  • Just energy transitions in Africa
  • Climate change impacts and adaptation
  • Sustainable forestry management and biodiversity conservation
  • Water resources management
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture
  • Pollution control and waste management
  • Wildlife conservation and parks management
  • Sustainable agriculture and land management
  • Other areas related to natural resources and environmental economics

Full papers are to be submitted at

WCEREA Special Session:

Climate Change, Land-Use, and Biodiversity: Economic Perspectives

Membership Fees

AFAERE annual membership costs R450 (US$30), while triennial membership costs R1125 (US$75). We therefore encourage delegates to join and gain membership benefits and access to the Association and its resources. To join AFAERE, click on the link provided: Note that membership is required to present accepted papers at the conference. 

Conference Fees

Conference registration and information on the registration process is available on the Conference website ( Conference fees are waived for members.

Non-AFAERE Members

Non-Students R3780 (US$200)

Students R1800 (US$100)

Organizing Committee

Dr. Herbert Ntuli, Secretary General, AFAERE, contact

Dr Mary Karumba, State Department of Economic Planning and Statistics, Government of Kenya, contact

Dr Precious Zikhali, World Bank, contact

Dr Boscow Okumu, The National Treasury and Planning in the Government of Kenya, contact

Important Deadlines

  • 31 May 2024: Deadline for paper submissions
  • 31 July 2024: Notification of acceptance of papers
  • 30 August 2023: Registration deadline for presenters

Further Information

For questions related to paper submissions, please contact the Organizing Committee at: For additional information about AFAERE 2024, please visit the Conference website at: For questions related to AFAERE membership, please contact


4th International Conference on Environmental Economics: A Focus on Natural Resources

The 4th International Conference on Environmental Economics: A Focus on Natural Resources, will take place in person in Orléans (France) on 4-5 April 2024. All researchers working in environmental and resource economics are invited to submit a full paper before 12 February 2024. Keynote speakers for the 2024 edition of the conference are: Stefan Baumgärtner (University of Freiburg), Carolyn Fischer (University of Ottawa), Ilan Noy (Victoria University of Wellington), and Katheline Schubert (Paris School of Economics). Participation is without registration fees. Travel and accommodation expenses remain the responsibility of the participants.

For further information, visit the conference website


DTU PhD Summer School in Energy Economics: Energy Consumption

Energy consumption is a critical issue for energy transition and society, as it impacts a wide range of aspects, including economic growth, climate change, decarbonization, environmental sustainability, security of supply, human health, and energy justice. Energy is essential for a variety of functions, including running homes and the operation of industries, and transportation. The efficient use of energy and the adoption of sustainable energy sources are crucial for reducing the adverse effects of energy consumption and promoting sustainable development. Therefore, there is a need for educated human resources that do research and develop policies in this area. The Energy Economics PhD summer school will take a role in teaching how to use economic theory, energy modeling, and computational tools for research to address these contemporary global challenges. The School will take place on 26-30 August 2024. More information here


Webinar: Cooperatives and sustainable development

To date, cooperative enterprises play an important role in the Italian entrepreneurial system. In this regard, it is necessary to consider them in promoting sustainable development, especially in the context of ecological transition, due to their unique characteristics. To understand how this happens, the seminar “Cooperatives & Sustainable Development” was organized by SEEDS Economics on February 9, 2024, from 14:00 to 17:30. It will be held at the University of Ferrara, in via Ariosto 35 at the Aula Santa Lucia, and will also be available live on YouTube at this link


XI AERNA Conference

Spanish-Portuguese Association of Natural and Environmental Resources Economics (AERNA) announces its XI AERNA Conference, that will take place at Nova School of Business and Economics, Carcavelos, Portugal on 4-6 September 2024. The conference also hosts the second Mediterranean Workshop on “Climate Change and the WEF (Water-Energy-Food) Nexus: Challenges for the Long-term Stability of the Med Area”. The call for papers is now open for submissions on all relevant topics related to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. The deadline for papers submissions is 18 March 2024. Notification of submission acceptance is expected by April 30 April 2024. All the detailed information can be found here

Supported Events

Post-Conference Workshop: REE / JEEM Workshop on Nonmarket Valuation

Resource and Energy Economics (REE) and the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM) are delighted to announce a call for papers for the first of two REE / JEEM Workshops on Nonmarket Valuation. These workshops will be staged immediately following the Annual Conferences of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists in 2024 and 2025. Selected papers from these workshops will appear in special issues in REE (from the 2024 workshop) and JEEM (from the 2025 workshop).

The first workshop will be held on 5 July 2024 at KU Leuven. The workshop will consist of a pre-conference dinner on 4 July followed by a full day of presentations on 5 July.

Authors are invited to submit empirical and theoretical papers on any topic related to the nonmarket valuation of environmental and natural resources. Papers may cover revealed preference (e.g., hedonics, travel cost, averting behavior), stated preference (e.g., contingent valuation, choice experiments), or benefit transfer applications, along with related topics such as the application of nonmarket valuation methods to natural capital accounting. Abstracts or incomplete papers will not be considered. Submissions from any region of the world are welcome, but those from European researchers or on topics of policy relevance to Europe are particularly encouraged.

Please do not submit identical papers to both the EAERE conference and the REE/JEEM Workshop. There can be overlap (similar topics, similar datasets, even similar models), but at a minimum, the workshop paper should cover something materially different from a paper presented at the conference.

Each paper will be allocated 45 minutes at the workshop, including discussant comments and audience discussion. After the workshop, participants will be asked to submit revised papers to an REE special issue on nonmarket valuation. These papers will be subject to a rigorous but expedited review process for the special issue. Submission fees will be waived.

The Program Committee, consisting of Professors Robert Johnston of Clark University, Roger von Haefen of North Carolina State University, Sandra Rousseau of KU Leuven, and Klaus Moeltner of Virginia Tech, will select roughly eight papers for presentation based on their overall quality and potential impact on the field. Depending on the mix of submissions, the committee anticipates selecting a few themes around which to organize selected papers.

A modest honorarium ($500 US) will be offered to each presenter to partially defray travel and lodging expenses. The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2024. Authors will be notified of acceptance decisions no later than 10 April 2024.

Please submit electronic versions (preferably *.pdf) of your paper and a 2-page vita here. When submitting, authors must acknowledge that their paper is not currently under review at REE, JEEM, or elsewhere.

There will also be a limited capacity for non-presenters to attend the workshop. If you are not planning to submit a paper but would like to attend the workshop, please express your interest using this link. We will let you know in early April if our conference venue is large enough to accommodate your attendance.

Questions about the conference may be sent to or directly to members of the Program Committee.

This event is organised with the support of EAERE.