COP28 Joint Side Event on “Innovative Instruments for Joint Biodiversity and Climate Policy”
EAERE, Bocconi University and United Cities and Local Governments are glad to announce their COP28 Joint Side Event on “Innovative Instruments for Joint Biodiversity and Climate Policy“.
The Side Event will be held on Sunday, 10 December 2023, 18:30-20:00 (GMT+4) | 15:30-17:00 CET Time) – SE Room 4.
Climate change and biodiversity agreements are strictly interconnected. Innovative economic and financial instruments can enhance biodiversity, increase resilience and reduce CO2 emissions. The event aims to assess the potential of joint climate and biodiversity policies at different territorial scales.
Simone BORGHESI, EAERE President-Elect, Director FSR Climate, EUI and University of Siena
Edoardo CROCI, Professor of Practice and Director of Sustainable Urban Regeneration Lab, Bocconi University
Sylvie GOULARD, President of the Institute for European policy-making, Bocconi University, and Co-chair of the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits
Andreas KONTOLEON, Professor of Environmental Economics and Public Policy, University of Cambridge
Alina KOSCHMIEDER, Climate change and environmental consultant UN-Habitat
Phoebe KOUNDOURI, President – European Association of Environmental Resource Economists, Chair – World Council of Environmental Resource Economists Associations, Chair – UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Global Climate Hub, Professor – Athens University of Economics and Business, Professor – Technical University of Denmark
Eva MAYERHOFER, Head of Environmental Policy and Lead Biodiversity Specialist, European Investment Bank
Massamba THIOYE, Project Executive UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub
Jos DELBEKE, EIB Climate Chair, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute
Benedetta LUCCHITTA, Research fellow Sustainable Urban Regeneration Lab, Bocconi University
Register to watch online or to confirm your presence at the venue, using the Registration Form.
For those attending on-site, please kindly note that the side event will be located in the Blue Zone where a specific UNFCCC accreditation is needed.