Supported Events

11th Annual Conference of FAERE (French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists)


Since its creation in 2013, FAERE’s objective has been to bring together environmental economists in France and to facilitate mutually beneficial scientific exchanges, in addition to and beyond those already existing in research units or within more general or international associations. The association’s mission is to strengthen the interest of economists in these topics, while the threats and challenges to our development have become great, to stimulate reflection and discussion between French and foreign colleagues, and to promote the work done in this field. We also want to strengthen our links with our foreign colleagues, especially in Europe, by working closely with the national associations that represent them, such as the Spanish-Portuguese Association of Environmental Economics (AERNA) or the Italian Institute of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (IAERE). In this sense, we will have an active communication of the event towards these two associations for a maximum of submissions from their members, in addition to those made by the EAERE (European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists).

Organized over two days, the conference will bring together up to 170 people (for 130 presentations). In addition to the presentations of the selected papers, we will organize two sessions with invited speakers:

  • A keynote speaker : Professor Susan Chilton,
  • A round table with three invited speakers
    • Julie Subervie, Senior researcher, INRAE, CEE-M, Montpellier,
    • Julien Hardelin, Head of the Biodiversity and Resources Office, General Commission for Sustainable Development, La Défense,
    • Harold Levrel, Professor, AgroParisTech, CIRED, Nogent sur Marne.

The Scientific Committee is composed of 28 persons (12 women, 16 men), and the Local Organising Committee by 8 persons (5 women, 3 men). Please find here their CVs.

For more information please visit the conference website.

Policy Outreach Events

15th CEPR/EAERE Webinar on Climate Policy: “Economic analysis of the new U.S. discounting system”

In November 2023, the U.S. OMB has published new versions of Circular A-4 and Circular A-94 that contain in particular a new discounting system for public policy evaluation. The new risk-free discount rate is now fixed at 2% in real term, whereas it is also proposed to use a risk-adjusted discount rate of 3.1%. Compare to the earlier much larger discount rates, this reform is likely to make the American society more long-termist, in particular in the domain of environmental protection and climate change. This webinar will offer three critical analyses of the underlying approach which led to the reform, and of its consequences.

Join us on 3 April 2024, from 5 PM (CET), 11 AM (EST), and 4 PM (GMT) for a roundtable discussion with:

David Anthoff
University of California, Berkeley

Marcel Boyer
University of Montréal, and CIRANO

James K. Hammitt
Harvard University and Toulouse School of Economics

The presentation will be followed by a discussion and Q&A session with the audience moderated by
Christian Gollier
Toulouse School of Economics, EAERE, and CEPR

Register here

Supported Events

XXV ANNUAL BIOECON CONFERENCE – “Economic Development, Population Dynamics and Biodiversity Conservation”

Keynote Speakers

Professor Elizabeth J. Z. Robinson Professor Paul R. Armsworth
London School of Economics and Political Science University of Tennessee

 The Scientific Partners of BIOECON are pleased to announce the Twenty-fifth International BIOECON Conference on the theme of “Economic Development, Population Dynamics and Biodiversity Conservation”. The Conference will be held at Kings College, Cambridge between the 4th – 6th September 2024. BIOECON XXV will be of interest to both researchers and policymakers working on issues associated with issues at the interface of economic development, conservation and population pressures.

Our keynote speakers will be Professor Elizabeth J. Z. Robinson (Director of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK) and Professor Paul R. Armsworth (Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA).

In addition to the conference theme, BIOECON XXV aims to have parallel sessions on a broad range of topics within the umbrella of biodiversity economics including: the role of biodiversity and ecosystem services in economic development, plant genetic resources and food security issues, deforestation and development, fisheries, institutions and instruments (e.g. Payments for Ecosystem Services), biodiversity finance, development and conservation, wildlife conservation and endangered species, international trade and regulation and climate change. For a flavour of previous conferences go to this link

In particular, submissions are invited on the themes of:

  • Instruments for conservation in the context of land-use and biodiversity
  • Innovative financial mechanisms for conservation
  • Evaluation of biodiversity-related policies and programmes
  • The use of spatial data to study impacts on biodiversity and conservation programmes
  • The conservation and value of crop genetic diversity
  • Institutional frameworks for resource conservation (property rights, market instruments etc.)
  • The role of behavioural economics in biodiversity conservation policy design
  • Experimental (lab and field) approaches to biodiversity and ecosystem service conservation
  • Institution-building for provision of global public goods
  • Issues of governance and management of natural resources in developing countries
  • Development, growth and resource constraints
  • Resources management, distribution, development, poverty alleviation.
  • Experimental or survey research on the households’, investors’, or executives’ biodiversity preferences or beliefs.

Aligned with the conference theme we will also run a special session on “Population, Fertility Decline and Resource Exploitation:  The Future of Biodiversity” that will be hosted by Prof Timothy Swanson from the Centre for International Environmental Studies (CIES) at the Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID). The special session welcomes papers addressing any issues regarding population, fertility, dependency, global land use and the impacts of these issues regarding natural resources. Authors that wish their papers to be considered for the special session should make this known upon submission.

BIOECON also has the goal of influencing policy-makers and policy. To this end expert policy panels will be organised. The purpose of these panels will be to bring together practitioners (Government, private sector, NGO) and academics from different disciplines to discuss current policy related issues in biodiversity conservation and environment. The panel sessions will be supported by and contribute to the aims and goals of the funding partners. The precise composition of the Policy Panels is to be announced.


The Conference will be held at the historical premises of King’s College Cambridge. Accommodation and all meals will be provided in the College. The conference will open with a reception at King’s College on the evening of Wednesday the 4th of September. Conference sessions will commence on the morning of the 5th of September and conclude on the afternoon of the 6th September (5:00pm). The conference banquet will take place at the main Dining Hall of King’s College on the evening of the 5th September. Delegates will also have privileged access to the renown King’s College Chapel (unless closed for building work).

Complete papers may be submitted for presentation within the BIOECON Conference and only complete papers will be considered by the Scientific Programme Committee. Electronic copies should be sent to no later than Tuesday 14th of May 2024. Please include Abstract, JEL Codes and Keywords with your submission. Acceptance of papers will be notified by email by Monday 27th of May 2024. If you wish to be considered for a bursary (details below) please indicate this when you apply. Applying for a bursary will not affect whether your paper is selected (indeed, the paper may be accepted even if we are unable to offer a bursary).

It is also possible to submit 3-4 papers together as a suggested “special session” under a theme similar to those indicated above. The Scientific Partners reserve the right to accept papers on an individual basis, so it is possible that even when a session is not accepted, individual papers within the session might be so.


Attendees will be charged £290 to cover: accommodation (on a B&B basis) on the 4th and 5th; drinks reception drinks on 4th; banquet dinner on the 5th; lunch and teas and coffees on 4th and 5th. Accommodation at King’s College (on a B&B basis) is also available for the nights of the 3rd and 6th, at £115/night (for single room). Day participants (not requiring overnights stay) will be charged £120/day (includes lunch and conference banquet) or £90/day (includes lunch but not the conference banquet). All other questions regarding fees, registrations and accommodation should be sent to the conference secretariat at

The conference will be an entirely in-person event. Virtual attendance or on-line presentation of one’s paper will not be possible.

There will be a limited number of bursaries made available which will allow some presenters to attend free of charge (though they will not cover travel to the conference or any visa fees). These will be directed towards PhD students and early career researchers, and particularly those who are based at institutions in the Global South. As noted above, please indicate if you would like to apply for a bursary when submitting your paper.

Registration will open on Tuesday 3rd of June 2024. Registration for all conference attendees, and presenters is due by Wednesday 28th June 2024. It may be possible for attendees who are not presenting to register later than this, but such places cannot be guaranteed. Cancellation and refund policy will be announced when Registration formally opens. Further registration details and all other conference information will be provided on the BIOECON website at


Workshop on Mapping the Effects of Environmental Policies

The workshop will explore how (distributional) effects of environmental policies can be captured more comprehensively and how these findings can be made available to the public. Among others, key questions that will be addressed include:
– What are the effects of specific policy measures and how are their costs distributed across consumers and firms?
– How are the resulting environmental improvements distributed across the population, regions and economic sectors?
Besides a keynote by Irene Dedoussi and a number of invited speakers, a call for papers with deadline on March 11 has been opened. The flyer with details is available here:
Supported Events

Early Career Workshop on the Environment, Climate Change and Disasters. Socio-economic Impacts and Adaptation

The workshop provides a precious opportunity to young scholars to facilitate the dissemination and exchange of cutting-edge scientific research on different topics of applied environmental economics involving various socio-economic dimensions such as for firms, the labor market, as well as the health and development of human capital. In addition to serving as a platform for scientific dissemination, the workshop aims to enhance the connections between European and non-European universities, as well as between universities and private research institutions.

The event brings together a small number of young researchers and doctoral students, giving them the opportunity to present their preliminary work to a highly selected and internationally diverse audience. It will feature the participation of three distinguished scholars who will deliver keynote lectures and a selected scientific committee that will attend the workshop, providing valuable advice.

The expected number of participants ranges from a minimum of 8 to a maximum of 10 speakers. Papers using applied micro methods will have priority. To encourage diversity and inclusion, applications from female, female-identified, or non-binary presenting authors are particularly welcome. All selected contributions will be presented in plenary sessions to maximize participant involvement and interaction.

Selected speakers are offered up to 2 nights of accommodation and meals, including the social dinner. Financial support is gratefully acknowledged from the GSSI, FEEM and University of Urbino.

The event will be hosted by the Social Sciences Area of the Gran Sasso Science Institute in L’Aquila (Italy). L’Aquila is a city rich in culture and history. In 2009, it was hit by a powerful earthquake and was rebuilt with the aim of transforming it into a “city of knowledge”. The GSSI, a public higher education institution encompassing four scientific areas (Physics, Mathematics, Computer Sciences, and Social Sciences), was established in 2016 to support the city’s and the region’s new vision. The Workshop also provides a valuable opportunity to visit the wonderfully restored city, its beautiful monuments, churches, and parks. L’Aquila also offers excellent food options.

Keynotes: prof. Josh Graff Zivin (UC San Diego), prof. Ludovica Gazzè (University of Warwick), prof. Giovanni Marin (University of Urbino)

Scientific Committee: Alessandro Palma (GSSI), Claudia Persico (American University), Francesco Vona (University of Milan and FEEM), Matilde Giaccherini (CEIS Tor Vergata), Joanna Kopinska (University of Rome “La Sapienza”), Ilan Noy (GSSI), Marco Modica (GSSI).

Organizing Committee: Carlo Caporali (GSSI), Cecilia Castaldo (GSSI).

Submission: via email at Both extended abstracts and full papers will be accepted.

Submission deadline: April 15th

Notification of acceptance: May 13th


University of Warwick Workshop on Data, Information, and the Environment


In collaboration with the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, CAGE @Warwick announces a call for papers for a Workshop on Data, Information, and the Environment to be held at the University of Warwick on 30 September – 1 October 2024.

In addition to research presentations, the workshop will include keynote addresses by Erica Myers (University of Calgary) and Shuang Zhang (Imperial College London) as well as mentorship sessions. After the workshop, presenters will be strongly encouraged to submit their revised papers to a Special Issue in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

To encourage diversity and inclusion in the profession of environmental and resource economists, all submissions should include a female, female-identified, or non-binary presenting author. Only full-length papers will be considered. The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2024. Travel and lodging for two nights will be reimbursed for one presenter for each accepted paper.

For more information, see this link. Paper submissions and enquiries should be sent to

The Program Committee: Ludovica Gazze, University of Warwick; Andrea LaNauze, Deakin University; Erica Myers, University of Calgary

Second Young AERNA Day

The event is hosted by the Department of Economics at the University of Girona. The objective is to bring together PhD students and young scholars to present ongoing projects and exchange ideas in any area of environmental and resource economics. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion by a senior scholar. The meeting includes a keynote lecture by Prof. Xavier Labandeira (University of Vigo). If you are a PhD student or young scholar working on environmental and resource economics (3 years of completion of PhD studies or less) and want to present your work at this event, please submit your paper no later than March 15th, 2024. Notifications of acceptance are expected by March 28th, 2024. All the detailed information can be found here.


Supported Events

High-level roundtable on climate negotiations

The High-level roundtable on climate negotiations will take place as an EAERE 2024 pre-conference event on June 30 at KU Leuven, Belgium. This roundtable will be staged before the 29th Annual Conference of the EAERE in 2024 and aims to foster conversation between leading climate negotiators and experts on global climate policies.

The roundtable will mainly comprise official climate negotiators. In the morning and early afternoon, each speaker will present in 10-20 min their preferred international policies to address climate change and global poverty. Then, there will be an open discussion between the speakers, followed by a Q&A session with the public.

The event will help understand the opportunities, conditions, and obstacles for enhanced international cooperation on climate action.

Confirmed Speakers:

Tulio Andrade (Brazil’s head of the division of climate negotiation)

Dipak Dasgupta (India’s former lead climate negotiator)

Avinash Persaud (Barbados’ special envoy on climate finance)

Paul Watkinson (France’s former lead climate negotiator)

Jacob Werksman (EU’s lead climate negotiator)

Tasneem Essop (executive director of Climate Action Network – International)

Joseph Stiglitz (economist)

Organising Commitee

Adrien Fabre (CNRS France)

Sareh Vosooghi (KULeuven)

Questions about the event may be sent to

Registrations are now open. Given the limited number of seats, priority will be given to early registrants. Register here