Impacts, risks, adaptations

UN Climate talks – Katowice

The UNFCCC COP24 in Katowice, Poland, ended with the adoption of a rulebook to facilitate the implementation of the Paris Agreement across the world. The Paris rulebook will enable the Parties to the Paris Agreement to implement, track and enhance their contributions to fight climate change, in order to meet the Agreement’s long-term goals.

Read the Press Release on the European Commission website (Source)

Impacts, risks, adaptations

Clean Energy for All Europeans

Political agreement was reached by negotiators from the Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission on the conclusion of the Clean Energy for all Europeans package, consisting in new rules for making the EU’s electricity market work better. Measures have been provisionally agreed concluding the political negotiations on the Clean Energy for All Europeans package and representing a major step towards completing the Energy Union and combating climate change. Read the Press Release


Urban Adaptation Support Tool

The Urban Adaptation Support Tool (UAST) guides European adaptation decision-makers and practitioners in cities through the main steps of the adaptation process. The tool is based on the policy cycle, which highlights that climate change adaptation is an iterative process. UAST is divided into six steps and a number of sub-steps. UAST is regularly updated and for each sub-step it provides links to carefully selected resources that can be of the greatest use to cities.

UAST supports Covenant of Mayors signatory cities to develop and implement their action plan and complete the adaptation-related sections of the Covenant of Mayors reporting template.

Source: Climate Adapt website

Picture credits: Climate Adapt

Impacts, risks, adaptations

World Economic Forum Global Risks Report 2019

The 14th edition of the Report published by the WEF provides a comprehensive view of the biggest threats we are expected to face within a 10-year future scenario: the top 5 most worrisome include extreme weather events, climate-change policy failures and natural disasters. The report presents the results of the WEF latest Global Risks Perception Survey, in which almost 1,000 decision-makers from the public sector, private sector, academia and civil society assess the main risks threatening our world. The majority of respondents expect worsening economic and political disputes between major powers this year.

Read the Full Report