Post-Conference Workshop: REE / JEEM Workshop on Nonmarket Valuation
Resource and Energy Economics (REE) and the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM) are delighted to announce a call for papers for the first of two REE / JEEM Workshops on Nonmarket Valuation. These workshops will be staged immediately following the Annual Conferences of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists in 2024 and 2025. Selected papers from these workshops will appear in special issues in REE (from the 2024 workshop) and JEEM (from the 2025 workshop).
The first workshop will be held on 5 July 2024 at KU Leuven. The workshop will consist of a pre-conference dinner on 4 July followed by a full day of presentations on 5 July.
Authors are invited to submit empirical and theoretical papers on any topic related to the nonmarket valuation of environmental and natural resources. Papers may cover revealed preference (e.g., hedonics, travel cost, averting behavior), stated preference (e.g., contingent valuation, choice experiments), or benefit transfer applications, along with related topics such as the application of nonmarket valuation methods to natural capital accounting. Abstracts or incomplete papers will not be considered. Submissions from any region of the world are welcome, but those from European researchers or on topics of policy relevance to Europe are particularly encouraged.
Please do not submit identical papers to both the EAERE conference and the REE/JEEM Workshop. There can be overlap (similar topics, similar datasets, even similar models), but at a minimum, the workshop paper should cover something materially different from a paper presented at the conference.
Each paper will be allocated 45 minutes at the workshop, including discussant comments and audience discussion. After the workshop, participants will be asked to submit revised papers to an REE special issue on nonmarket valuation. These papers will be subject to a rigorous but expedited review process for the special issue. Submission fees will be waived.
The Program Committee, consisting of Professors Robert Johnston of Clark University, Roger von Haefen of North Carolina State University, Sandra Rousseau of KU Leuven, and Klaus Moeltner of Virginia Tech, will select roughly eight papers for presentation based on their overall quality and potential impact on the field. Depending on the mix of submissions, the committee anticipates selecting a few themes around which to organize selected papers.
A modest honorarium ($500 US) will be offered to each presenter to partially defray travel and lodging expenses. The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2024. Authors will be notified of acceptance decisions no later than 10 April 2024.
Please submit electronic versions (preferably *.pdf) of your paper and a 2-page vita here. When submitting, authors must acknowledge that their paper is not currently under review at REE, JEEM, or elsewhere.
There will also be a limited capacity for non-presenters to attend the workshop. If you are not planning to submit a paper but would like to attend the workshop, please express your interest using this link. We will let you know in early April if our conference venue is large enough to accommodate your attendance.
Questions about the conference may be sent to or directly to members of the Program Committee.
This event is organised with the support of EAERE.