EU Green Deal needs to be informed at the best available science. JPI Climate organizes the Equinox Summit in BRX to celebrate European Climate Science and launch a European scientific assessment and stocktaking process to address climate resilience, climate neutrality and societal transformation.

We recognise the urgency of actions to address the causes and consequences of climate change as manifested by the recent extreme drought during Summer 2022. Actions in response and to prevent disasters need to be informed by the best available science, whose strategic focus now includes the acceleration of the development and transfer of climate knowledge from research and innovation to policy and decision making in support of climate actions.

For this JPI Climate with the support of MAGICA project is proposing a new European structure which addresses strategic gaps, and which will significantly enhance the profile and use of the outcomes from European investments in research and systematic observations. This envisions a European scientific assessment/stocktaking process, that is focused on three key interlinked challenges i.e. achievement of
1. Climate neutrality
2. Climate resilience and
3. Management of transition and societal transformation (social & economic)

Frank Mc Govern, Chair of the JPI Climate will present the initiative and will dialogue with high level representatives of EU Member States, Academia and financing actors.


Simone Borghesi, EAERE President-Elect, Director FSR Climate, EUI and University of Siena
Marinella Davide, Ca’ Foscari University, Harvard University, CMCC and SISC
Phoebe Koundouri, EAERE President, AUEB, Co-Chair UN SDSN Europe
Terhi Lehtonen, State Secretary at Finnish Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
Markus Müller, Managing Director, Chief Investment Officer ESG & Global Head of Chief Investment Office, Deutsche Bank
Eamon Ryan, Irish Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications
Massamba Thioye, Executive, Cimate Change Innovation Hub, UNFCCC
Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Professor of Environmental Sciences at the UCLouvain and Belgian candidate for the IPCC Chair position

Chairperson of the session: Frank McGovern – JPI Climate, Chair

The Side Event at COP27 – Launching a European Climate Science Assessment Mechanism for Policy Support will be held on November 17, 2022 16:45-18:15pm EET time (15:45-17:15pm CET time), Room: Tutankhamun (100).

The side event will be livestreamed on the official COP27 YouTube channel. For those attending on site, please kindly note that the side event will be located  in the Blue Zone where a specific UNFCCC accreditation is needed.

COP27 Youtube Channel
COP 27 Side Events Schedule