EAERE Highlights

No.15 June 2019 | Monthly Newsletter

Focus on

Endorse the Economists’ Statement on Carbon Pricing!

In solidarity with a similar US initiative led by the Climate Leadership Council, the Policy Outreach Committee (POC) of EAERE prepared a statement on carbon pricing to be proposed for endorsement to the whole community of economists in Europe and worldwide. The statement, launched at the Opening Ceremony of the EAERE 24th Annual Conference in Manchester, aims to convey the European perspective on carbon pricing and to draw the attention of policy-makers to its importance as a key instrument, even though not the only one, to achieve the future de-carbonization targets. The Statement has already been signed by almost 1000 economists and was reported by theFinancial Times.

EAERE Awards and recognitions 2019

During the 24th EAERE Annual Conference, five Prizes and one important recognition – the EAERE Fellowship – were awarded to different fellow economists. All prizes were announced by EAERE President Carlo Carraro at the Awards Ceremony which took place on June 28 at the University of Manchester. Our warmest congratulations and thanks go to all the awardees and EAERE Fellows for their outstanding contributions to the Association and the research field. The full list of awards and all relative information are available on the EAERE website.

EAERE Elections 2019 still open! Deadline: July 10, 2019

This year, EAERE members will vote for a President – who will join the Council as President-Elect in 2020-2021, serve as President in 2022-2023, and act as Past-President in 2024-2025, and two new members of the Council who will serve for four years beginning in 2020. Elections started on June 1st and will run until July 10th, 2019. Soon members will be sent detailed information about the voting mechanism. The results of the elections will be announced in mid-July 2019. Your President and Council give shape, style and leadership to our organisation, and it is important that they have a real mandate from the membership, so please vote, and encourage your colleagues to do likewise.

EAERE-ETH European Winter school: applications open

Since 2018, the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) have been jointly organising the EAERE-ETH European Winter School series in Environmental and Resource Economics. The School takes place in Monte Verità, Ascona (Switzerland). The topic of the 2020 Winter School will be “Spatial Environmental and Resource Economics”. The School will take place on January 26-31, 2020 and will be coordinated by Prof. Anastasios Xepapadeas.

Apply here by September 13th!

SIMRA General Assembly in Athens

The International Centre for Research on the Environment and the Economy (ICRE8) hosted the 3rd annual General Assembly of the Social Innovation in Marginalized Rural Areas (SIMRA) project in Athens, Greece. The event took place on 10-12 June at the premises of the ATHENA Research and Innovation Center, and brought together project partners from across Europe. The EU funded SIMRA project aims to fill the knowledge gap in understanding and enhancing social innovation in marginalised rural areas by advancing the state-of-the-art in social innovation and connected governance mechanisms in agriculture andforestry sectors and in rural development in general. SIMRA will analyse a number of case studies across Europe and the wider Mediterranean region.

News from the Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

The Issue No. 68 of Economics and Environment, the flagship journal of the Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, has been published and is available here. Contributions by authors in English for the next issues are encouraged. You can find more information here 

Agricultural and Resource Economics E-Journal: call for Papers in 2019

The mission of the Journal is the publication of peer-reviewed original and high-quality scientific economic research in agricultural economics, natural resource management and related areas of transition economies and developing countries. Manuscripts dedicated to the development of the agricultural sector, rural economy, natural resources including land and environment, and human resources in regions of Eastern Europe are welcome, as is the submission of interdisciplinary articles. The journal is a forum for the discussion of issues of interest to those involved in researching and studying economics, the development and implementation of economic policy, and education. The journal provides information about related scientific and educational events and publishes reviews of scientific papers and books on agricultural and resource economics and related topics. We invite you to publishing articles in the journal!

Circular Economy and the Law: Innovation, Policies and Regulation for a Sustainable Environment Conference

The Department of Economics and Management of the University of Ferrara together with CERCIS (Centre for Research on Circular economy, Innovation and SMEs) and the inter-university research center SEEDSorganized a three-days conference to promote synergies and further insights on Circular Economy and its multiple facets. International academics from law and economic studies, national and international policy makers, enterprises, presented their unique point of view as well as their own contributions. In the framework of this conference, the new UniFe PhD programme in Environmental Sustainability and Wellbeing was presented. The conference took place as a partner event of the European Commission’s EUGreenWeek 2019.

More information here

GGKP Expert Connect

As a Green Growth Knowledge Platform member, EAERE has been asked to contribute to the GGKP Expert Connect service. The Expert Connect service allows developing country governments and institutions that support these governments to engage directly with global experts who have agreed to provide up to 20 hours a year of pro bono advice.
If you are interested in participating as an expert, subscribe at this link

Know more about the service here


New Public Consultations launched by the European Commission
The European Commission periodically launches public consultations about different policy areas. Through public consultations, you can express your views on the scope, priorities and added value of EU action for new initiatives, or evaluate existing policies and laws. Check out the latest open consultations available on topics relevant to the EAERE and give your feedback.

See the Consultations


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: support for almost 7,300 researchers and innovators

As part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, the Commission has selected 67 consortia under the 2019 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange call for proposals. This give the possibility to almost 7,300 excellent researchers and innovators to collaborate with their peers abroad. They will work across different sectors and disciplines to tackle societal challenges such as the economics of climate change policies, automated driving, atmospheric pollution and cultural heritage.

Read more here


UNFCCC Conference in Bonn

The Conference, concluded on June 27, considered a large number of decisions for adoption at the UN Climate Change Conference in Santiago de Chile at the end of the year (COP25, 2-13 December). Moreover, during the Conference countries and other stakeholders presented and shared a large number of best practices of effective climate policies and technologies. The Conference ended with a call by the UN to the governments to fully deliver on the mandates of the Paris Agreement.

Read the Press Release


Green Roofs in New York City

In mid-June, the New York City Council approved the Climate Mobilization Act: a #GreenNewDeal4NY to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gas emissions from buildings. In New York, buildings are currently responsible of almost three-quarters of all emissions in the city. The “green roofs” measure is part of a package of legislation developed by the New York City Council to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency for certain buildings in New York City.

Read more on the Climate Mobilization Act here


EAERE supported events

30 June – 6 July 2019, Venice, Italy
CD-LINKS Summer School on Integrated Assessment Models: A Tool for Science-Based Policy Making

29-30 August 2019, Rennes, France
6th FAERE Annual Conference

11-13 September 2019, Wageningen, The Netherlands
21st BIOECON Annual Conference
Deadline for Applications: 6 May 2019

25-27 September 2019, Limassol, Cyprus
GCET20 – 20th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation
Early Fee Deadline: 15 May 2019

23-25 October 2019, Trento, Italy
SISC 7th Annual Conference ClimRisk19 – Climate Risk: Implications for ecosystem services and society, challenges, solutions
Call for abstracts deadline: 15 July 2019

4-7 November 2019, Rome, Italy
4th IAERE School on “Green and Climate Finance”
Call for applications deadline: 26 July 2019

31 May – 4 June 2020, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
SURED 2020 – Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics

Other upcoming events

28 June – 2 July 2019, San Francisco, California
AERE @ the Western Economic Association International Annual Conference

1-2 July 2019, Marseille, France
7th Workshop on Non-Market Valuation (WONV2019)

1-3 July 2019, Ispra, Italy
European Commission – JRC Summer School on Sustainable Finance

2-3 July 2019, Racławice, Poland
Circular Economy Conference – rational use of raw materials

8-10 July 2019, Nice, France
10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management

8-10 July 2019, APB Tutzing, on Lake Starnberg near Munich, Germany
11th Joint IOS/APB/EACES Summer Academy on Central and Eastern Europe

21-28 July 2019, Crete, Greece
14th Advanced Summer School in Economics and Econometrics (ASSEE)

25–26 July 2019, Ottawa, ON Canada
1st Workshop on Climate Economics, Innovation &Policy: The Economics of Environmental Policy & Innovation

19-23 August 2019, Wageningen, the Netherlands
Summer School: Assessing Economics And Policies Using The Real Options Methodology – 3 ECTS

9-10 September 2019, Osnabrück, Germany
3rd Meeting of the Research Network on Economic Experiments for the Common Agricultural Policy (REECAP)

9-13 September 2019, Berlin, Germany
Summer School on “Economic Foundations for Energy and Climate Policies”

10-12 September 2019, Antwerp, Belgium
2nd Interdisciplinary PhD expert course for young researchers

20 September 2019, Milan, Italy
Workshop “Innovation and sustainable growth: is the circular economy a disruptive model?”

26 –27 September 2019, Venice, Italy
18th International Conference CREDIT 2019 – Assessing and Managing Climate Change Risk: Opportunities for Financial Institutions (Chair: EAERE President Carlo Carraro)

30 September – 10 November 2019, online
Online course on Climate Governance jointly organized by School of Transnational Governance and Florence School of Regulation of the European University Institute

6-18 November 2019, Hyderabad, India
INSEE Tenth Biennial Conference

26-27 November 2019, Toulouse, France
Society For Benefit-Cost Analysis: European Conference 2019

27-29 April 2020,Curitiba, Brazil
2nd World Symposium on Social Responsibility and Sustainability

3-7 May 2020, Berlin, Germany
8th Global Nitrogen Conference

Job Market

Research Assistant
European University Institute, Florence, Italy
Apply here
Deadline: July 7, 2019

Postdoctoral Researcher
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research Mannheim, Germany
Apply here
Deadline: July 13, 2019

Applied General Equilibrium Modeller 
Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation (CMCC) and European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE), Venice, Italy
Apply here
NEW deadline: July 31, 2019

PhD Position in agricultural/behavioural economics 
University of Trento, Italy
Apply here
Deadline: July 31, 2019

PhD Position in Circular Economy
KU Leuven – Center of Economics and Corporate Sustainability (CEDON), Brussels, Belgium
Apply here
Deadline: August 15, 2019

PhD Energy Transition Hub Researchers
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Apply here
Deadline: August 30, 2019

PhD Position in Natural disasters and socio-economic vulnerability
CERDI, Université Clermont Auvergne, France
Apply here
Deadline: August 31, 2019

Professor in Resource and Environmental Economics
SDU Esbjerg, Denmark
Apply here
Deadline: open

PhD Positions in Environmental sustainability and wellbeing
University of Ferrara, Italy
Apply here
Deadline: open

PhD Positions in Economics and management of innovation and sustainability – EMIS
University of Ferrara, Italy
Apply here
Deadline: open

Keep us in the Loop!

EAERE members are invited and encouraged to submit announcements for the EAERE Highlights newsletter, the website, and social media networks by sending an email to eaere@eaere.org.