EAERE Highlights

No.13 April 2019 | Monthly Newsletter

Focus on

Policy Outreach Committee side event at the 2019 State of the Union – 21st Century Democracy in Europe

On May 2nd, the EAERE Policy Outreach Committee together with FSR Climate and in collaboration with the School of Transnational Governance of the European University Institute organised a policy session aimed at providing advice and support to EU policy makers and institutions for policy interventions related to the EU ETS. The event was also focused on promoting a more integrated dialogue between academia and the policy world.

Watch the full video of the event here

Greta Thunberg met EAERE President at the Italian Senate

On April 18, the young climate activist Greta Thunberg was in Italy, where she met the EAERE President Carlo Carraro during the conference promoted by the President of the Italian Senate Elisabetta Casellati, titled“Climate: it’s time to change”. They discussed the global climate crisis with other high-profile speakers: Antonio Navarra, President of the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change Foundation (CMCC); Enrico Giovannini, Economist and spokesperson of the Italian Association for Sustainable Development (ASviS) and Daniela Ducato, Founder ofEdizero. Two representatives of the web magazine on climate changeDuegradi were also present.Watch the full video in English here

EAERE Magazine: Spring 2019 issue published

This policy-oriented issue includes an overview of the European Commission’s proposal to prepare the EU’s submission of a long-term emission reduction strategy to the UNFCCC by 2020, followed by an assessment of Germany’s recently announced plans to phase out coal. We will then read economists’ views on a number of policy issues, including the importance of the social discount rate for policy making. Results of the survey from last year’s World Congress in Gothenburg are presented, with views on the Paris Agreement, policy instruments, leadership, and food. The issue ends with a juniors-ask-senior interview.

Read the new issue here!

New edition of the EAERE-ETH European Winter school launched

Since year 2018, the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) have been jointly organising the EAERE-ETH European Winter School series in Environmental and Resource Economics. The School takes place in Monte Verità, Ascona (Switzerland). The topic of the 2020 Winter School will be “Spatial Environmental and Resource Economics”. The School will be coordinated by Prof. Anastasios Xepapadeas. The call for applications is expected to be launched in June 2019.

Updates on the call for applications will be available here

EAERE 24th Annual Conference – Exhibition

The deadline for applications to this year’s Exhibition at the EAERE Annual Conference in Manchester has been extended to cover the onelast place available! Institutes and companies can still apply via this linkto be able to advertise their own products and showcase their communication material with a great visibility. Confirmed exhibitors are: Environmental Defense Fund, Institute of Sustainable Resources (UCL); Cambridge University Press; Sustainability (MDPI); Springer Nature; Palgrave Macmillan; EfD Initiative. Do not miss this great opportunity!

3rd Sustainability Meeting for South-East Europe & the Mediterranean

UN SDSN Greece, co-chaired by Prof. Phoebe Koundouri and EIT Climate KIC Greece, directed by Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, have partnered with The Economist to establish an Annual Sustainability Summit that aims to promote SDGs in the Mediterranean and South-East Europe with the hope that this will become a focal point of the many worthy efforts in the region. Many distinguished personalities from Europe and the US will be hosted, including Jeffrey Sachs to share their knowledge on the topics covered by the conference. The summit is scheduled to take place on October 16th – 17th, 2019 at the Goulandris Natural History Museum in Athens. The conference will be under the auspices of the President of the Hellenic Republic, who will also open the event.

Read more about the Summit here

GGKP Expert Connect

As a Green Growth Knowledge Platform member, EAERE has been asked to contribute to the GGKP Expert Connect service. The Expert Connect service allows developing country governments and institutions that support these governments to engage directly with global experts who have agreed to provide up to 20 hours a year of pro bono advice.
If you are interested in participating as an expert, subscribe at this link

Know more about the service here


New Public Consultation launched by the European Commission
The European Commission periodically launches public consultations about different policy areas. Through public consultations, you can express your views on the scope, priorities and added value of EU action for new initiatives, or evaluate existing policies and laws. Check out the latest consultation concerning transport, agriculture and rural development, and give your feedback.

See the Consultation

Clean mobility: New CO2 emission standards for cars and vans adopted

Earlier this month, the Council of Ministers agreed on CO2 emission standards for new cars and vans in the EU for the period after 2020. In 2030, emissions from new cars will have to be 37.5% lower and emissions from new vans 31% lower, compared to 2021. These new CO2 standards are a crucial measure towards a climate-neutral economy, in line with the EU’s commitments under the Paris Agreement and as part of the implementation of the Energy Union. The endorsement by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers will be followed by the publication of the texts in the Official Journal of the Union, and the new legislation will enter into force 20 days after publication.

Read the News

EU and China step up their cooperation on environment, water and circular economy

From 1 to 3 April 2019, an EU delegation headed by EU Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella visited China to continue and deepen EU – China environmental bilateral relations. He co-chaired the 7th environmental dialogue and initiated two new high-level dialogues on Water and Circular Economy. The Commissioner met several Chinese ministers to discuss shared priorities related to water and circular economy, wildlife and forest protection, the EU-China Ocean Partnership, and the fight against illegal fishing.

Read the Press Release

4th Report on the State of the Energy Union

This report by the European Commission shows the progress made on the energy union since the beginning of the Juncker presidency. The report builds upon th eresults achieved so far and sets out legal rules, political commitments and targets for a greener world, taking into account the changing global environmental, economic and competitiveness scenarios.

Read the Full Report

New Report by the European Environment Agency “Perspectives on transitions to sustainability”

The Report provides an overview of framings, conceptualisations and tools relating to sustainability transitions. The Report brings together insights from multiple academic communities, with the aim to illustrate how these different perspectives relate to each other and to explore what potential guidance they offer for policy-making and governance more broadly.

Read the Full Report


EAERE supported events

24-25 June 2019, Exeter, UK
LEEP Institute’s Meeting of International Excellence in Environmental and Resource Economics

25 June 2019, Manchester, UK
EAERE2019 Manchester Pre-Conference Workshop: Behavioural and Experimental Methods on Environmental and Development Policy

30 June – 6 July 2019, Venice, Italy
CD-LINKS Summer School on Integrated Assessment Models: A Tool for Science-Based Policy Making

29-30 August 2019, Rennes, France
6th FAERE Annual Conference

11-13 September 2019, Wageningen, The Netherlands
21st BIOECON Annual Conference
Deadline for Applications: 6 May 2019

25-27 September 2019, Limassol, Cyprus
GCET20 – 20th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation
Early Fee Deadline: 15 May 2019

31 May – 4 June 2020, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
SURED 2020 – Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics

Other upcoming events

21-24 May 2019, Marseille, France
2nd GREEN-Econ Spring School in Environmental Economics

31 May 2019, Faculty of Management Zajecar, Republic of Serbia
9th International Symposium on Natural Resources Management (ISNRM 2019)

18-19 June 2019, Toulouse, France
Twelfth Toulouse Conference on The Economics of Energy and Climate

6-7 June 2019, Ferrara, Italy
Circular Economy and the Law: Innovation, Policies and Regulation for a Sustainable Enviroment

18-20 June 2019, Ulvön, Sweden
26th Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics 2019

28 June – 2 July 2019, San Francisco, California
AERE @ the Western Economic Association International Annual Conference

1-2 July 2019, Marseille, France
7th Workshop on Non-Market Valuation (WONV2019)

1-3 July 2019, Ispra, Italy
European Commission – JRC Summer School on Sustainable Finance

8-10 July 2019, Nice, France
10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management

8-10 July 2019, APB Tutzing, on Lake Starnberg near Munich, Germany
11th Joint IOS/APB/EACES Summer Academy on Central and Eastern Europe

21-28 July 2019, Crete, Greece
14th Advanced Summer School in Economics and Econometrics (ASSEE)

25–26 July 2019, Ottawa, ON Canada
1st Workshop on Climate Economics, Innovation &Policy: The Economics of Environmental Policy & Innovation

19-23 August 2019, Wageningen, the Netherlands
Summer School: Assessing Economics And Policies Using The Real Options Methodology – 3 ECTS

9-10 September 2019, Osnabrück, Germany
3rd Meeting of the Research Network on Economic Experiments for the Common Agricultural Policy (REECAP)

9-13 September 2019, Berlin, Germany
Summer School on “Economic Foundations for Energy and Climate Policies”

10-12 September 2019, Antwerp, Belgium
2nd Interdisciplinary PhD expert course for young researchers

6-18 November 2019, Hyderabad, India
INSEE Tenth Biennial Conference

26-27 November 2019, Toulouse, France
Society For Benefit-Cost Analysis: European Conference 2019

Job Market

Postdoc position in agri-environmental contracts
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Apply here
Deadline: 10 May 2019

Research Associate in Economics, Data Science and Energy Demand
Imperial College, London, UK
Apply here
Deadline: 13 May 2019

PhD Student Position in Environmental and Resource Economics
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Apply here
Deadline: 15 May 2019

PhD Positions in Management Engineering
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Apply here
Deadline: 21 May 2019

Applied General Equilibrium Modeller
Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change Foundation (CMCC), Venice, Italy
Apply here
Deadline: 30 May 2019

Assistant Professor / Associate Professor / Professor In Environmental Economics

University of Helsinki, Finland
Apply here
Deadline: 31 May 2019

PostDoc Position: background in economic modelling, specifically optimal taxation and/or environmental economics
Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) Berlin, Germany
Apply here
Deadline: 10 June 2019

PhD fellowships at Department of Food and Resource Economics
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Apply here
Deadline: 23 June 2019

Professor in Applied Economics
Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
Apply here
Deadline: 28 June 2019

Researcher in the “Future Energy” Research Programme
Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation (FEEM), Italy
Apply here
Deadline: open

Junior & Senior Researchers in Environmental Economics
Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation (FEEM), Italy
Apply here
Deadlines: open

Chief economist & senior lead country economist
World Resources Institute, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Apply here
Deadline: open

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EAERE members are invited and encouraged to submit announcements for the EAERE Highlights newsletter, the website, and social media networks by sending an email to eaere@eaere.org.