Beatriz YORDI

Beatriz YORDI joined the European Commission (EC) in 1994, where she was a pioneer in the creation and negotiation of European renewable energy policies, having led the way by working on the first Renewable Energy Directive as well as designing a funding instrument for the support of Eco-innovation and Green businesses throughout her stay in different EC Departments. She is currently Director in DG Climate Action at the EC, responsible for the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and international cooperation on carbon markets since 2017. She is also responsible for Clean Mobility in DG Climate Action across sectors and transport modes, including files such as the “CO2 standards for cars and vans” and the “heavy duty vehicles” dossier. She has been a pillar for the design, conception and implementation of the EC Fit for 55 package, designed to materialise the ambitious 2030 EU climate objectives. Within this package she conceived and negotiated the reform of EU carbon markets, by significantly increasing ambition and by pushing for the inclusion of the maritime sector’s emission under the EU ETS, as well as advocating for the creation of a new ETS which covers emissions from road transport and buildings. She also spearheaded negotiations on the creation of a Social Climate Fund which is key to the implementation of a fair, green and just transition.